This 2024 election for PCS, I am running for President. I would really like to get a chance to improve the school alongside our principal, Mrs. Jernigan. I have already talked to her about what I can do to help this year if I am elected. In the event of the announcement of our new logo/ mascot, I hope to bring more school spirit. 

    I want to give students a voice for what they want or need. I will try to do what you all need done. I will institute an idea box so that in every council meeting we can go over them. I will say I am not perfect but I will try my best.

    I'm running to build a closer Piedmont. What do I mean by that? Our school may be separated by grade, but we are blessed to have a Pre-k through 12th grade school, and blessed to be able to see growth. Building school spirit will bring us closer; I believe creating new events will bring Piedmont together. 

    I hope you all stay tuned for my campaign speech! Thank you! ❤😀

                                                                                                                     -Mylah Perkins 



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